Spotify Converter
How to cancel Spotify subscription?
It's very easy to cancel Spotify subscription, you can cancel it any time.
- Log in to your account page .
- Click Subscription in the menu on the left.
- Click YES, CANCEL . Your account page now shows the date you’ll return to the Free service.
Note : If you cancel the student discount , you won’t be able to apply it to another account until its 12-month verification period expires.
However, if you subscribed to Spotify through another company (e.g. your broadband/mobile provider, or with iTunes), you can't cancel subscription using above way. You need to contact that company to change any billing details or cancel.
After cancel the Spotify subscription, your premium account will be downgraded to free after the expire date. You can't download playlists for offline playback and the songs you downloaded during the subscription period are not available.
Is there another way to download Spotify playlists besides subscribing to Premium?
You can download Spotify playlists with below prefessional Spotify music downloader without Premium account. The downloaded songs are saved to mp3, m4a, etc. format so you can keep them forever. Play the songs whenever and wherever you want.
Follow below steps and learn how to download Spotify playlists after cancelling Spotify subscription.
1. Run Ondesoft Spotify Converter
Download, install and run Ondesoft Spotify Converter on your Mac or Windows. Log in your Spotify account with the built-in Spotify web player, whether free or premium.
2. Choose output format (optional)
Ondesoft Spotify Converter will download Spotify songs in original format by default, mostly in M4A format. It also supports downloading Spotify music in MP3, AAC, FLAC, WAV and AIFF formats. Click the gear icon on the top right corner to change output format if you need. You can also change the output folder, quality, volume, file name format, etc. according your needs.
3. Select Spotify songs, albums or playlists
Browse or search to find the songs, playlists or albums you want to download with the built-in Spotify web player. Click the red Add to list button to load all songs.
All songs in the playlist or albums will be checked by default. You can uncheck the songs you don't want to download.
4. Click Convert button
Click Convert button to start downloading Spotify music to the format you choose.
After downloading, click below folder icon to quickly locate the DRM-free Spotify songs. You can then listen to the Spotify songs offline without ads, skip any song as you like. Transfer them to your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Android devices. You can enjoy Spotify premium free on any devices that support mp3.
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