Spotify Converter
How to download 2018 Top Songs to MP3?
Most popular songs of 2018 and how to download them for offline listening?
It’s near the end of 2018 and many medias gives the most popular songs of 2018 list. Google lists the 2018 songs including In My Feelings, God'd Plan by Drake, I Like It by Cardi B, Maroon 5 Girls Like You by Andrea garcia, No Tears Left to Cry, God is a woman by Ariana Grande, etc.
Is your favorite in the list? You may have listened to some or most them here and there, through music streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, etc. However, if you don’t subscribe to the premium account, you may find you can’t download the songs for offline listening.
How to download these top songs for offline listening if you don't subscribe to any music streaming services. You can purchase and download them from iTunes Store, but each song will cost $1.29. It will cost you more than 100 dollars if you want to download the top 100 songs. You may ask is there any way to download songs from some free music services like Spotify free? The answer is yes.
Spotify is a popular music streaming services which offers 2 options: free and premium. Free users can enjoy all songs online but couldn't download the songs for offline listening. Spotify premium offers offline listening but it costs $10.99 per month. Besides, you can only download music on 3 devices, with at most 3,333 songs per device. Here we will show you a tool that allows you to download any songs you want from Spotify free account, it's called Ondesoft Spotify Converter. The songs are downloaded to mp3 format, so that you can transfer the songs to any devices you like.
Part 1 Download Top songs from Spotify Free Account
1. Run Ondesoft Spotify Converter
Download, install and run Ondesoft Spotify Converter on your Mac or Windows. Log in your Spotify account with the built-in Spotify web player, whether free or premium.
2. Choose output format (optional)
Ondesoft Spotify Converter will download Spotify songs in original format by default, mostly in M4A format. It also supports downloading Spotify music in MP3, AAC, FLAC, WAV and AIFF formats. Click the gear icon on the top right corner to change output format if you need. You can also change the output folder, quality, volume, file name format, etc. according your needs.
3. Select Spotify songs, albums or playlists
Browse or search to find the songs, playlists or albums you want to download with the built-in Spotify web player. Click the red Add to list button to load all songs.
All songs in the playlist or albums will be checked by default. You can uncheck the songs you don't want to download.
4. Click Convert button
Click Convert button to start downloading Spotify music to the format you choose.
After downloading, click below folder icon to quickly locate the DRM-free Spotify songs. You can then listen to the Spotify songs offline without ads, skip any song as you like. Transfer them to your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Android devices. You can enjoy Spotify premium free on any devices that support mp3.
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